Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Popped Balloon and No Santa?

When I received my phone call this morning from LQS I was all ready to hop into my car, committ no traffic violations and go pick up my new sewing machine. The news was that my machine is on backorder til October 24! Boy...Highs and lows always abound! For a brief moment it was like seeing my very favorite balloon pop and first realizing that Santa is not who you thought he was. Oh well...God knows best. At least I DO have a sewing machine to continue to sew on and..well..maybe this will give me time to straighten up my sewing room and house before the new arrival gets here. I'm taking a home vacation next week (10 days total) and my original plan was to tackle each room in the house with boxes and garbage bags. It would have been hard to carry out my original plan if I had a new toy waiting to be played with.

PoutyHappy Quilting, Happy Living!


  1. What a bummer. Why couldn't you get the floor model they offered you yesterday?

  2. Oh what a disappointment ,you would have thought the shop would have checked that when you ordered it .Sounds like you will have lots to keep you busy in the mean time .


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