8 shops in one day! I only had two days to get to all 10 shops...did it!
The first shop was Stitch'n Quilt. The employees where very nice and helped us out. They had wonderful fabric and projects.

Second shop was Red Hen. They just moved back into their previous building! How they got ready for Shop Hop in time was amazing. Lots of work by many. She always has great fabric. Of course I bought some.

Little Quilts always decorates to the theme. This year was "Meet Me at the Fair. Everyone was dressed out in western style with boots and cowboy hats. Of course they had a great display of quilts.
The next store on our Shop Hop was Tiny Stitches. They had a great selection of fabrics and we visited a while with them. The below Snails Tail is a raffle quilt. I just love this block but have never made it. Maybe I will win! I don't know why I like the block so much but I do.
Next on our list was Intown Quilters. They had this nice bargello on display. One of these is also on my mental To Do list.
Georgia Sewing and Quilt Center was next. They just moved into this nice building. It was fun seeing what all they had...I was so interested I forgot to take pictures of the inside and of all their beautiful quilts.
Our second to last stop was at Patricks. It's a country store/plant store/feed store/quilt store. They have such a welcome home atmosphere. I always love going there. I definitely bought fabric from here. In their clearance section they had fabric for $5 and $3/yd. Needless to say I racked up and increased my stash by about 20 yards.

They also have all this speciality candy...any kind. I love the toffee and the peanut butter and the turtles and the chocolate covered nuts and fruits and the fresh honey. Needless to say I bought some of those items too. Oh...and below are some of their quilts. They had them hanging all over.
Our last stop of the day was at Sweet Home Quilts. It was almost 5:30pm and we began our adventure around 9am. My friend and I were both getting quite tired. My odometer was at 180 miles for the day and we still had to get home! Sweet Home is a nice store too. Alas I was so interest in what they had inside I forgot to take pictures...or I was just getting really tired!
The second day was left with only two shops to visit. The first was Quilt and Fixins. They always support the local Humane Society by raffling off their quilts.
The last store was my LQS. They did an excellent job and the store was a happy place to be.
They had a lot of customers but I was the first to turn in a completed passport with all stores stamped! Maybe that will bring me luck and I will win the grand prize of this year's Shop Hop...$100 gift card from each shop...Wow, I could spend $1000 easily and my stash would welcome new company.
Another Shop Hop come and gone. We had loads of fun and I was inspired by what all I saw.
Can't wait to start sewing and creating!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Have a great week. Happy Quilting! Happy Living!