I'm happy to be associated with such an awesome group...
The majority of people who reside in this group love sharing their ideas on quilting and sewing, whether it's tips and hints, reviews on all things quilty, reviews on sewing machines, and tutorials about creating some of the most awesome quilt blocks and quilts....old and new, traditional or modern....and I'm happy to say that most of it is free information!
I was recently searching the web and my brain realized without really thinking of the generosity of the quilting and sewing group as compared to other crafting disciplines. Now, understand something, and don't go tellin' your bestie that I was puttin' down on other crafty disciplines...I'm not...but...MY GOSH...there is such a wealth of free information out there that's shared by the quilter and sewist. What a great way to make sure our craft continues through the generations!
Quilt and Sewing people Rock!
Here are some of the sites I've found just this weekend:
Here's a Block of the Month that is just now starting over at Quilt Addicts Anonymous. I signed up while I was visiting. The quilt looks really awesome!

LifeSewCrafty is hosting the DCMQG 2016 Quilt-Along. She has some amazing colorways posted to help with your color options. Looks like it's going to be fun.
Westering Women Block of the Month will celebrate the women who walked west on the overland trails. The blocks will be 12" and include a history lesson about America's westward movement.
In Our Garden Block of the Month will include 11 separate bloggers sharing patterns for free! They will be offering appliqué and traditionally pieced blocks.
Pinterest also has so much to offer in the way of tutorials and ideas. I think I now prefer to search Pinterest rather than Google! At least I have oodles and oodles of pictures to feast my eyes and brain upon.
If you know of a tutorial, Mystery quilt or Quilt Along or anything related to our craft, please share the link in the comments. It's a good way to spread information about the craft we all love and are so obsessed with.
Thanks for stopping by.
Quilt On!
Live Strong!
Here's a Block of the Month that is just now starting over at Quilt Addicts Anonymous. I signed up while I was visiting. The quilt looks really awesome!
Lori Holt has a Bloom Sew Along starting.
The quilt looks awesome! Check it out at Bee in My Bonnet
Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson are starting a Mystery Quilt that consist of 100 blocks. Two blocks will be released each week. You can find more information at Splendid Sampler.

LifeSewCrafty is hosting the DCMQG 2016 Quilt-Along. She has some amazing colorways posted to help with your color options. Looks like it's going to be fun.
Westering Women Block of the Month will celebrate the women who walked west on the overland trails. The blocks will be 12" and include a history lesson about America's westward movement.
In Our Garden Block of the Month will include 11 separate bloggers sharing patterns for free! They will be offering appliqué and traditionally pieced blocks.
Pinterest also has so much to offer in the way of tutorials and ideas. I think I now prefer to search Pinterest rather than Google! At least I have oodles and oodles of pictures to feast my eyes and brain upon.
If you know of a tutorial, Mystery quilt or Quilt Along or anything related to our craft, please share the link in the comments. It's a good way to spread information about the craft we all love and are so obsessed with.
Thanks for stopping by.
Quilt On!
Live Strong!