
Sunday, August 16, 2009

This Month's Strip Club quilt..

I was reading everyone's blogs and getting so involved....I almost forgot to post! I do so enjoy reading what everyone has going on.

I've completed the 16 flower blocks for the corners of the Cactus Wreath pattern. Here are just a few.

I'm really liking how this is turning out. I thought the star fabric would make the quilt too dark, but I'm thinking differently now. I have four flower blocks with the lighter leaves which I plan to put on each corner..surrounded by two more corner blocks with darker leaves.
Today, my plan is to work on the log cabin blocks that will create the inner circle of the wreath pattern. Hopefully that will not take as long to finish as these blocks did. I'm not a fast sew-person or quilter anyway.

I think I'm naming the quilt "Cactus Flower at Midnight" or maybe "Midnight Cactus Flower". The Strip Club design had a Christmas theme, but I decided to do something a little different.

Our next club meeting is Sept. 5th, so I have about 3 weeks to finish....or just have the quilt top completed. I don't like to have a lot of UFOs laying around, so I plan to have this thing finished and ready to show. Our LQS owner always jokes that they don't have a BOM club, because they have Strip Club which gives you an entire quilt every month instead of just one block!

Have a great Sunday. I hope everyone is doing something today that they enjoy. Happy Quilting.


  1. I love your quilt blocks! I think this will turn out to be a beautiful quilt. I like the black/star print. Karen

  2. Your blocks turned out great and I like the name Midnight Cactus Flower. That is nice that the LQS has the strip club. Can't wait to see it completed.

  3. This is going to really be something. I also like Midnight Cactus Flower. Your fabrics are great together, okay this one cannot be a UFO, we are all dying to see it finished. Do you really have to sleep?? ;0)

  4. Love the colors and the name.. either name. Can't wait to see the top! love ~ g


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