
Friday, August 21, 2009

I am getting ready to quilt my "Midnight Cactus Flower" quilt. I put the quilt sandwich together this afternoon and plan to start and finish quilting it tonight. It's a very busy quilt like I thought it would be. Not sure how much I like it. I know I like it, but not sure on what scale. Once I get it quilted and binded and can look at it from a far I will be able to make a better "likeable" decision. I will post a picture whether I like it or not. Just don't have the camera right now. Brian took it with him on his annual week-long Florida/Doral golfing trip. (This is why is does not say anything about my fabric shopping).

It's just been me and the doggie at home. It was okay for the first two days.....felt like a free woman...doing what I wanted to do...not worrying about anyone else, but now I think I'm ready for Brian to get back home. I like having another person here. Tomorrow I'm visiting Britt at college and bringing her some (a lot) of items she now feels she can't live without. Of course she has planned the visit for around lunch-time and I'm sure supper-time if we find other things that need to be taken care shopping.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

  1. That is opposite of me, when my hubby is gone the first two days I can't sleep, then I am all for this being alone time. Have fun quilting and visiting your daughter.


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