
Monday, August 10, 2009

Finished Baby Gifts

I FINISHED the baby blanket kit that I purchased at my LQS. It was SO easy to do..a no-brainer. It's a wonderful project for a beginner and a really quick project/gift for an experienced sew-person. It took be just a few hours to complete. It took longer for my sewing machine to do the fancy edge stitching then it did for me to complete it.

The kit (I love kits) came with fabric and pattern to make the blanket, bib and burb pad. Of course I had no orange thread (and I did not want to wait until Monday when my LQS opened to get any) so I just used red thread for the fancy stitching. The barn in the fabric is red so I said what the heck.

I plan on mailing out the gifts this week to arrive in time for the baby shower on the 23rd. I do so much better with deadlines. I should put a deadline on all my unfinished projects.

On a none-quilting note....boy has it been HOT here in Georgia! Glad I have inside projects that can keep me busy. My pretty petunias on my front porch has withered away and died and our tomato plants are well on their way to that end also. We can't seem to keep them with enough water. Next year I'm just going to the Farmer's Market and buying a case of tomatoes...much easier and less work than trying to grow my own....Oh well, it has kept my husband busy trying to keep the tomatoes going.

Britt moves back to college today. Her classes will start on Thursday I believe. She seems excited to get back to school after a summer a being employed. Today we haul stuff to her dorm and of course go shopping for dorm food. Her room has a kitchenette so this year we are hauling pots and pans....I don't have a clue does not interest her at all. But I have to say...if it's a mix and it includes adding water, she can handle it. So all she should need to bring is a small pot, a large spoon and and 2-cup measuring cup!

Have a great day. Please remember me when I'm hauling stuff in this heat!. Happy quilting!


  1. Your baby projects turned out very cute, I also work better with deadlines. I have 2 daughters, one cooks and the other one just eats. Mariah's husband does all the cooking, I always worried she would burn the house down. So far--so good. Take care and enjoy being inside. 8>)

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I'm enjoying reading yours and looking forward to catching up on posts. Your work is adorable!

  3. Hi DeAnna. I finally found you! I'm so glad to find friends from the other blog. Our heat has done a 180. I was at my daughter's last night and her furnace came on.. go figure. The baby quilt and bib are so cute. I like the red stitching. Stay cool.

  4. The baby gift is so nice, you did a good job on it. I am sure they will love it. Something hand made is so much nicer than store bought. Glad you came over to my blog and left a comment. I didn't know you were on this blog. Welcome.

  5. Dee, your baby projects turned out beautiful. I know they will love and appreciate the gifts. I hope you got Britt moved in ok. It is very hot in Arkansas too. Love ~ g

  6. Those babygifts are all lovely. Thank you for visiting.


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