
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter! What are you cooking?

Hope that everyone has a Happy and Blessed Easter and that you are able to be with loved ones on this special holiday.

What is everyone serving tomorrow? I would love to hear about your menu plans and Easter egg hunt plans! I'm serving a Baked Ham with a honey glaze, green beans, potato salad, deviled eggs and probably a cheesecake with strawberry topping since that's my hubby's favorite dessert. All this and there are only 3 of us! We will be eating Ham leftover remakes all week long. Maybe my daughter will bring some back to school with her. No egg hunts for us, since it's just 3 of us, but we will probably dye some eggs since it's such a tradition.....there's a leftover idea....ham salad with chopped eggs. I probably will bake some fresh bread too...I just love fresh baked bread and my bread machine and I get along so well together.

Maybe tomorrow afternoon I can get some quilting done. My stash and UFO bin is just growing and growing. I never did finish my husband's quilt for his b-day. Shame on me. It's about 95% quilted. I got sidetracked on totes and Shop Hop. Tomorrow or maybe tonight maybe a good time to finish it up.....alas...I wave bye-bye to another deadline as it has come and gone. At least I will ALWAYS have something to do!

Now it's time to take a nap...I worked all night and I'm tired. Great night until shift change when one of my patients decided it was time to go unresponsive and stop breathing. Being the professional and calm team that we are, the patient is now breathing after loads of medication and several waves of shocks. I always hate a bad outcome, but it's especially worse during a holiday. The holiday is never the same for the family members.....but God calls us when he is ready.

Happy Easter to all. Happy Quilting! Happy Living!


  1. I miss Easter dinner. Since the kids have grown we don't have it anymore. I also can't eat ham because of the salt and anything else just wouldn't seem like Easter. Doesn't matter if there's 3 of you or 100, special dinners are always nice.

  2. Since it's just DH and I tomorrow, I believe we'll go out to our favorite Italian restaurant and celebrate our 23rd anniversary. I can get lobster ravioli which they make to perfection. Congrats on the suggessful resolution to your patient crisis. I don't miss my nursing days at all (well occasionally..but only briefly! LOL)

  3. We are having ham, too. Hoping we have enough potatoes to make potato salad. My DH is involved with Church activities so it will be rather quiet for us. I just baked an angel food cake and cut up strawberries. We'll probably sit in the screened-in porch for part of the afternoon. I'm heading to Baton Rouge on Monday. Hope to eat some crawfish:)

  4. We are going out to eat, but would much rather have homemade cooking! The eggs are boiled but not dyed yet. I see egg salad in my future.

  5. Glazed Ham, Guacamole, tortilla chips, warm flour tortillas, glazed cooked carrots, green chili potatoes and Easter basket goodies. Yummy! Happy Easter!


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