
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sick and Tired!

No really....I have really been sick and tired. For the past week all I've been doing is coughing and sleeping...and that's hard to do together.'s not the Flu...either one...just the change in the weather (I think) even though the Swine Flu in rampant right now in the Southeast US. No fever, just mild congestion, lots of coughing and fatigue. Not quite bad enough to miss work though. I'm also finding out as a woman approaching 50 that things don't stay as dry as they use to during a coughing fit! I hope to think that the Echinacea-Goldenseal and Zinc I started taking when I felt my first "tickle" in my throat has kept whatever it is on the mild side. On my days off from work instead of quilting, crafting, cleaning and cooking I've been sleeping.

I've felt much better today with less fatigue....probably because my body can't take anymore sleep! I actually cleaned my house some and THOUGHT about going into my sewing room. Would not have been so bad if not for the tiredness and the guilty feelings it created about not getting anything done. You know us...we have to do EVERYTHING...only because WE THINK we have to and no one else can do it!...Stupid us! My hubby never minds doing anything for me! So....if you get sick this winter, please get your rest and don't feel guilty. Our loved ones don't mind taking care of us!

Remember to wash those hands and keep antibacterial gel in the car for those times when pumping gas, going to the ATM, handling a shopping cart, etc!

Stay Healthy and Happy Living!


  1. I'm glad you are feeling a little better and hope you continue to get better. It's been the same for me too, runny nose, coughing, no fever. I noticed a new yellow wild flower blooming and wondered if that was causing my problems.

    To add to your list.. when at work, I use paper towels to open the doors when leaving the ladies room. I also have a bottle antibacterial gel at my desk, for those times I touch the community microwave, fridge and coffee pot.

    Take care.. love you.. your sis ~g

  2. I can sympathize. It took me two weeks to get over a head cold that went into my chest where the cough just would not go away. I'm on my third week, and it is only just now going starting to go away. I hear ya on the staying dry thing too! Hope you feel better. Karen

  3. Thanks for stopping in and commenting on my blog. I have added you to list of reads.
    be blessed,

  4. I hope you are better soon. I carry a bottle of that gel in my wheelchair, in my purse and in the console of the car. I just can't be without it. You take care and hang in there.

  5. So glad you are feeling a little better ,it hasn't hit Canada yet but I'm sure it won't be long before we are all down with a cold .Glad you stopped in at Michelles blog she's a sweet heart .
    To day is oven cleaning day , its not really bad but I thought I would try your tip of vinegar and baking soda. Thanks


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